Thursday, January 13, 2011

islam? r u a muslim?

Bismillahirrahmaanirahim. (In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful)
first of all i want to apologize if i do anything wrong..
plus, this is my first time writing a blog..>_<
 n of course to my English.. i know its getting worst!

I've heard about this scenario..which is quite famous about a person or people who is Islam..but only on their names..where these kind of people they admit they are Muslim but they do not follow what Islam had thought us like do wear hijjab, don't drinking alcohols...etc.. is for our own good~
okay its clearly stated .if its haram..why dont we just leave it..if we already be reminded how great and painful are the azab(punishment) that we will get in akhirah..nauzubillah~ why dont we strive together for a better muslim?
i don't like to criticize people where me, myself is not that perfect. I'm incomplete. so, ill try my best..
blogs are where people write things that pop out abruptly in their head..right? 

                why? well..i bring this up because seriously..i am sad..till i don't know what to do...whenever i talk to these kind of people i feel like crying..
'O ALLAH! show me the way! show me how to guide her/him!'. even me my self always make mistakes.. 
I've heard this from a religious man... why? because they don't appreciate we all can see..the muallaf(people who recently convert to Islam) once they read the quran..they got to know Islam..n learn bout Islam..they are the one who shows sudden change where if its stated haram  they will leave it immediately...but how about the Muslims nowadays? i dunno...wallahualam.

how? may be its due to his/her Malaysia, there is Islamic school at lower education, primary school. they had been thought the basics in Islam.. but still, there are Muslims disobeying rules that have been stated in quran n also hadith..I'm not mad despite I'm truly in despair..where i cannot bear to see the Muslim nowadays far..far from the right path.
It is clearly stated in quran..the rules..yes i know it is hard to improve and correct ourselves..but its not impossible.. 
if you disobeying and denying the rules it is the same you are disobeying ALLAH's rules. because quran is the kitabullah, words of ALLAH
astagfirullahalazimm..nauzubillah min zaalik~

well, it is obviously Islam is the best and the most true religion..everything is in the holy, rules for to become a good Muslim..etc, health, education, knowing who's our god is.
there is a lot in the quran that is why it is very important to read the quran knowing the meanings....
where we will always be remind to our god, self-reflect, being humble ..all of the goods. don't ever abandon quran and your religion because it shows who we are. what we stand for..what we believed in.

like it is stated in the quran sura ali imran verse 244
"And fight in the way of Allah, and know that Allah is Hearing, Knowing."
maasyallah..its wajib for us to fight for islam..dakwah(teach and reminding) by that we must be tarbiah(educated) to start the dakwah~
maasyallah ...may Allah protect us from the wrong path. may Allah bless all of the Muslims..

insyallah i will continue writing blog..
correct me if I'm wrong brothers and sisters...
together for a better ummah..

"This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and I have chosen for you Islam as you religion." (Qur'an 5:3)
